U.S. Supreme Court Adopts Position Argued by the Herzog Foundation in Carson v. Makin Case
Smithville, MO (June 21, 2022) – In yet another landmark case for religious liberty, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today in Carson v. Makin that government cannot exclude religious institutions from government funding based solely on their religiosity.Â
The high court ruled 6-3 that Maine unconstitutionally barred religious schools from joining other private schools in receiving state tuition for students in rural areas without a public-school option. This ruling supports arguments made by the Herzog Foundation in a brief of amici curiae filed last fall on behalf of the petitioners in the case.
“This is a huge victory for religious liberty, and a defeat for unconstitutional government discrimination against religious people and institutions,” said Herzog Foundation President Jones said after the ruling. “Justice requires equal treatment under the law, and the Maine statute did the opposite.”
Commenting on the Herzog Foundation’s friend-of-the-court brief in Carson last fall, Chairman of the Board Todd Graves said, “Religious discrimination is sadly a common occurrence in our country, and the injustice in Maine is just one example.
“Discriminating against students and schools solely based on religious identity is a clear and flagrant violation of every American’s right to freely exercise their religion. We are proud to support Christian schools and families in Maine, and look forward to the Court ending this injustice next year. The Herzog Foundation will continue to take a stand for Christian schools all across the country.”
For information on the Carson v. Makin ruling and its implications for Christian education nationwide, please visit The Lion or listen to the latest episode of Making the Leap.
About the Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation
The Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation is a charitable foundation dedicated to catalyzing and accelerating the development of quality Christ-centered K-12 education so that families and culture flourish.
Learn more at HerzogFoundation.com