President Darrell Jones Joins Teach 4 the Heart Podcast

Smithville, MO (March 28, 2022) – Herzog Foundation President Darrell Jones appeared today on the Teach 4 the Heart podcast with Linda Kardamis. During the 30-minute segment, Jones addressed the importance of parent empowerment and transparency in K-12 education. In addition, Jones provided a number of suggestions for how teachers can build stronger partnerships with parents. 

“Oftentimes, there is a sense among families that we are exporting the education of our kids to teachers, which is an awesome responsibility for teachers to have to bear,” Jones said. “This is never what God intended. Family, church, and education should all play a role in forming a child.”

The Herzog Foundation has reported an increased desire from parents to be involved in their children’s education since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent poll, 75% of voters affirmed that parents should be in charge of their children’s education, including most Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

Listen to Jones’ full interview on Teach 4 the Heart.

About the Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation  

The Stanley M. Herzog Charitable Foundation is a charitable foundation dedicated to catalyzing and accelerating the development of quality Christ-centered K-12 education so that families and culture flourish.  

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